Persuasive Copy: What Is It and How Can It Help My Business?

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April 18, 2022
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Writing persuasive and good copy is essential for any marketing strategy. A growing number of businesses are discovering how important it is, especially now that SEO strategies are an integral part of any enterprise’s brand identity.

The problem here is that the standards for good copy have changed a lot in the last five to ten years, in part because of the way user habits have changed, but mostly because of the staggering number of businesses now scrambling to create a brand. The business landscape on the internet has changed drastically, and having a competitive edge begins with writing good copy.

To that end, we have created this list of important guidelines for writing copy that is seductive to your target audience. With no further ado, here they are:

1. Set the goals of your content

What purpose does your content seek to serve? What is the final goal you want users and customers to do? What ideas are you hoping to instill? These are just some questions you should ask, even before writing a single word. With clear and concrete goals, you are sure to make the writing process easier and smoother.

A good example here is writing a copy for the About page of your website. The purpose of an About website is to take consumers through how your brand was built. It is meant to humanize your brand to a certain extent and tell your whole story in a few short paragraphs. The About page does not serve to sell a specific product per se, but it functions to sell the idea of your brand.

2. Perform the “So what?” test

The “So What?” technique is an excellent approach to examining the quality of your copy. It is an excellent test to perform to see whether your copy is actually achieving your goals.

As an example, if your business is in antiviruses and cybersecurity software, you could say that your software has real-time protection. So what? That means the software will protect you from threats as they come, as opposed to discovering cybersecurity threats only once they’re present. So what? The software prevents a problem before it even starts.

As you can see, the So What test examines whether the value of your proposition is delivered in the message.

3. Write as your readers would speak

One of the most important techniques in copywriting is to write aloud. Write the text as you would speak it, using the language of your readers. The words should jump off the page and right into the ears, so to speak. By writing in your target audience’s language, your message is sure to land more firmly and securely.

This is something that was forgotten in SEO strategies for a while. There was a time when SEO was just about repeating keywords for Google’s protocols to notice. Luckily, Google has circumvented this issue by prioritizing more meaningful content over how often specific words are repeated in an article.

Final thoughts

Copywriting standards will continue to evolve over time. Nobody can predict what new developments in technology will come to change user habits. That said, these three particular guidelines will always stand as pinnacles in the discipline of writing copy.

If you need help building your brand identity, send us a message at Grapheec. Our first consultation is free, and we can develop strategic plans to grow your business, no matter its size or age.