What Does It Mean to Craft Data-Driven Content?

Published on
April 18, 2022
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Many brands and marketers are competing for online users’ attention in digital spaces. By developing diverse digital marketing strategies, they can influence individual users and search engine web crawlers to promote their web page.

The competition for consumer attention isn’t as simple as posting creative and attractive content. The best marketing strategies don’t just focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO); It also relies on rigorous data analysis.

The competitive edge of data-driven content

Data-driven content is the production of content strategies that rely on past analytics to improve its products. Utilizing this type of content separates good from excellent SEO marketing techniques. If you want to develop data-driven content, you must understand what data you should analyze in refining your content.

Even amateur content marketers look at analytics as a summary of their campaigns’ performance. These post-campaign metrics give you potential markers on whether your content is reaching its project goals. However, data from the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) reveals that only 43% of B2C content marketers are aware of what makes their campaigns successful.

The visualization of data as content revision points

The goal of your content is to provide relevant and valuable information to your audience. It should eventually lead to a purchase and an increase in your company’s sales figures. Measuring your content’s success depends on three variables: traffic, engagement rates, and conversion rates.

  • Are your posts reaching the right audiences?
  • Are your posts showing interactions through likes, shares, or comments?
  • Are your posts leading your viewers to perform your recommended CTAs?

The answers to these questions should be present in your analytics. Although they’re facts and figures, they should point you in the right direction on your content marketing campaigns’ success.

The key to making effective data-driven content

Remember that content marketing’s long-term effects on your brand’s online presence will also take a long while before its results can pay off. Many businesses combine a mix of both PPC marketing and content marketing to boost their analytics figures. On the other hand, a data-driven approach to content creation helps you revise and adapt your future content to ensure higher success rates.

You don’t have to wait for your SEO strategy to present itself before you can improve your content’s current state. Listed below are three ways that you can use data to adjust and update your content.

  1. Establish your target audience: Content marketing strategies must have an idea of its target audience. This will help you fill up your other project requirements, from your marketing channels to potential topics and possible competitors in the industry.
  2. Use the right marketing channels: The marketing channels you use should be the ones your target demographic is in. This is why you should cater to your content to match the specific platform they’re using, whether it’s Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Putting your marketing efforts in the right networks will help you tap into pre-existing communities to expand your online presence.
  3. Sponsor social media influencers: The best way to gain a large following is by partnering with social media influencers. Co-producing content by sponsoring independent content creators is an excellent medium to get a broader audience. By observing global and local trends, you can find the right influencer that matches your brand’s tone and shares your potential target market. Partnering with them will help you leverage new networks to subscribe to your brand.


Keep in mind that every industry has its own hurdles. Some industries may need to stay more up-to-date with current news, while others will get more exposure by covering viral content. This is why you should pay close attention to your analytics to see if your SEO strategies will pay off in the long term. You can develop a compelling data-driven content marketing strategy that will surpass your campaign goals through constant revision and analysis.

Grapheec is a creative agency based in the US that helps businesses develop their online presence. We offer SEO marketing and web development services to guide your company to reach its full potential. Contact us today to receive a free consultation!